Ways My Two-Year Old Daughter Amazes Me

I was about to attach a number to the title of this post, but I figured why limit myself?

  • She can recite her ABC’s from A to Z (usually starting from the middle), says “YAY!” upon finishing the same way daddy does it, and rolls right into 1-20.
  • Avi learned how to move the swing back and forth by shifting her weight, all by herself.
  • Avi’s figured out how to operate the TV remote. And calls out the numbers when she punches the channel in. Couch potato in the making?
  • How a 2-year old can have enough energy to wear out two 30-year old adults AND a 7-year old is beyond me.
  • Ditto for going up and down the stairs for nearly half an hour without pause. And then proceeding to run around the living room for the rest of the hour.
  • Eating Cheerios like there’s no tomorrow. Or no “later”, either.
  • The only toddler I know that actually likes nori (Japanese sushi seaweed).
  • Her ability to memorize her favorite songs on Youtube.
  • And the way she grabs whoever is nearby when the video calls for a dance partner.
  • She memorizes the layout of any park she’s been to (and likes). Especially the location of the swings.
  • Avi actually coaches her grandmother on how to navigate Starfall.
  • The iPad. Oh, the iPad.
  • She sorts her Lego bricks by size and color.
  • She can kick a ball with better accuracy than her dad…
  • … but throws the same ball so badly it winds up BEHIND her.

And yes, I am aware that some toddlers will have developed faster or Avi may be behind on some of her milestones, but let me politely respond with, “I don’t give a crap. She’s cute and awesome and that’s all that matters.”

My Daughter is a StairMaster

Photo by Posh Living, LLC on Flickr


It’s practically a parenting requirement that you rock your toddler back to sleep when she has a nightmare in the middle of the night. Each toddler has their little “quirks”–tiny little preferences that soothe them and help ease them back into peaceful slumber. Some need a bottle. Others need a song. Mine?

Mine likes stairs.

As in really likes stairs. Get her within visual distance of a flight of stairs, and it’s like a candy store just jumped up in front of her. She’ll gladly (and tirelessly) run up and down it (with parent in tow, of course) for half an hour if need be, and woe to the unlucky adult who has to separate her from it.

“But wait,” you ask. “Do you mean to say you make her climb the stairs at 3 am in the morning to tire her out?”

No! No no no no no no NO no no NOOO! Of COURSE she doesn’t climb the stairs in the middle of the night.

That would be ME.

I don’t know what it is about the jerky motion of ascending and descending those steps, but it calms her down. And she doesn’t let me off easy, either. If I dare stop and rest, or step back into the hallway to a flat surface, she tells me (in the way of vocal toddlers), “I’m sorry daddy, but I would still like a little more time on the stairs. You can rest later, when I’m 5 years old. Please daddy? With sugar and maple syrup on top?”


To which I reply, “Yes, dear. I would absolutely love to take you another round. It’s only been 10 minutes, and daddy doesn’t really need to be entirely sane when he goes to work tomorrow. Golly gee, I don’t mind my legs turning to jelly at all.”

Translation: Sigh.

My daughter needs an infomercial.


Coming Up For Air

Coming up for air


Things have been pretty busy for me the past couple of weeks. I didn’t want to let this blog sit for too long without an update, but neither do I have time to do multiple updates, so I’m putting it all into one blog post. Warning, it may be long-ish.

Freelance Stuff

Good news: Quite a few projects going on. One that I’m really enjoying right now is doing mod reviews for a little game called Minecraft. I think I must be the only freelancer online being paid for this kind of thing. Most of my other projects are small but consistent, and that’s just what I need right now. Especially considering…

Bad news: … that a feature magazine article I wrote back in March has not yet been paid. The editor is ignoring my emails, even the ones with a copy of the contract that SHE gave me. Considering my options. More on this as it develops.

Baby Stuff

I think Avi is going to grow up to be a performer or something. She loves dance videos and imitates nearly every move she sees on-screen. In fact, she already predicts her favorite videos and beats the performers to the punch!

Creative Writing Stuff

I’ve been doing a lot of work on my first novel. I’ve written others before, but I’m hoping this will be the first one I actually COMPLETE. Things are looking good so far. I’ve set a fairly aggressive daily writing quota (for me anyway), and if I can hit that 3 times out of 5 I’ll still be in good shape. And before you ask, yes. I did hit today’s quota, and then some. Which is why I have time to blog.

Flash Fiction Online Stuff

Still slogging through the slush pile. There are days when I dread logging into Submishmash, but being able to find that one gem in all the muck is a rewarding experience.

Day Job Stuff

Have I ever done a post about my new job? I don’t believe so. Well, let me just say that In-house Marketing is a far cry from Agency Marketing. A far, far, FAR cry. I don’t think I’ve ever looked at this many spreadsheets before in my life. It’s all important though, and I do think I’m getting the hang of it.

Okay, I think that’s everything. I’ll try to work on a more topical post as my schedule warrants.

Speaking her mind

Avi, that’s who!

Avi just recently hit 19 months, and I’m happy to say her vocabulary is filling up. It’s mostly nonsense words and a smattering of garbled English and Chinese, but hey, whatever works, right? If her parents can understand her, then she can get what she wants. She gets what she wants, her parents don’t have to deal with a tantrum. It’s a win-win situation!

Here are a few of the more notable words in Avi’s vocabulary:

Nyam nyam – What could it be, you ask? Munchies! Vittles! Food!

Eme – A word Flossie and I love to hear. Avi-speak for milk. When she asks for this, it means she’s ready to go to bed.

Ap-to – Avi-speak for avocado. She looooves avocado. Except when she doesn’t.

UP! – Said when she wants to be carried. When she says that, you listen.

Dooooown – Said when she’s sick of being carried. Usually said two seconds after “UP!”

QuoiChinese for “open”. Usually said when she wants to be let out of the room and into the rest of the house. Followed closely by parents running around scrambling to catch up to Avi.

Ama – Avi’s word for “mommy”

Mama – Avi’s word for “daddy”

Crying at the top of her lungs -Avi’s word for “stranger”

Avi, Vidi, Vici

When Flossy and Avi decide to go out, do they go to the park? No, not in MY family! There are MUCH more fun places than that!

Avi at Chapters

A place you could get lost in.

This branch of Chapters is somewhat distant from our house, but it’s one of the nicest. You’ll see proof in a minute. In the meantime:

Now where's The Hunger Games at?

Oh, she had fun roaming the store all right. Flossy let Avi take the lead, and the little bookworm was navigating it like one of those garden hedge mazes. All that walking was making Avi (and Flossy) tired, so they decided to have a little diversion.

Hey, he's kinda cute...

They toyed around with the store’s Photo Studio. I suspect Avi was trying to find a way to print out pictures of cute boys and slap them on mugs. Flossy said no.

Her plans foiled, Avi went back to inspecting the premises.

Baby in the bookstore

Daddy, can I live here?

You know, I think she was having just as much fun peering around corners as she did outrunning Flossy. But then, Flossy wasn’t really trying to keep up.

Do babies need self-help books?

Avi would occasionally stop and window shop, of course. But all of her exploring was rewarded when she reached her mecca.

Aslan welcomes you, Avi.

Aaaaand Avi totally geeked out. And with good reason: apparently this branch had an award-winning kiddie section. Ya think?

*Sniff* (Wipes tear). I’m so proud. A return trip is definitely in order. Hopefully with daddy in tow as well.

The Big Top


Welcome to Avi’s home-within-a-home! It’s not much, just a little place where she can kick back, relax, and enjoy a women’s magazine or two (yes, she does read those. She likes health articles the best).

Every so often Avi will have guests, but the fire code limits the number of occupants to two full-sized adults at a time (and one baby).

Hiatus Highlights Ep 1: Avi

Remember last post when I said a lot happened? Well don’t worry, I wasn’t going to leave you hanging. This here is a 3-part recap of the stuff that’s been going on since last I posted. And I’m starting with Avi’s update because I know she’s what you’re really here for. 😉 Don’t worry, it’s the same for me too.

So without further ado.

Things that are new:
–Now brushes her teeth willingly. Maybe it’s because her parents keep cheering like mad with every stroke.
–Her new favorite food is Flossie’s blueberry and banana muffin. She can’t get enough of it, and neither can the rest of the fam.
–All of her pants are now capris. Talk about growing into style.
–We can afford to let her run around a “safe zone” without worrying she’ll tip over and hurt herself. Now if only we could expand that zone to the entire house…

Things that stayed the same:
–still talkative
–still afraid of strangers (grandparents be warned)
–still hyperactive
–still hates her high chair/car seat
–still cute (just more so)

Avi’s 10 Baby Achievements of 2011

A baby year passes by very fast (even though it doesn’t seem like it when you’re rocking her to sleep at 3 AM on a Wednesday morning). They say to treasure your baby moments as they grow from infant to toddler and more. This is sound advice. As such, I’ve devoted this blog post to listing down 10 of the most significant milestones that Avi has hit since last year.

Note: Flossy, if you could be my editor and let me know which ones I’ve missed?

1. She walks (and runs)! At this time last year, Flossy and I were fretting about her not being able to crawl by herself. We’d be prodding and pulling and encouraging her to move even an inch. Now it’s a struggle to keep her from running into the wall. I wonder how much those baby leashes are…

2. Stair-climbing. This little feat is notable enough that it gets its own separate entry. She not only crawls; she can walk up stairs the same way a normal person would. We’ve been trying to teach her to hold on to the bannister while she does it, but she might be getting a bit overconfident.

3. She eats solid food. Milk is still her favorite food of choice, but it’s about time she munched on something more substantial than paper. I mean, I know that A4 sheets have lots of fiber, but come on. She just needs bribes to eat some of the bland stuff.

4. She can talk (and listen)! She’s speaking her own language right now: “emme” is her word for “milk” for example. And she can understand us some of the time, too. We can prove it. Sorry, Avi. No more excuses. When we tell you to stop, we know you know what we’re saying.

5. Went from a size N diaper to size 6.  This is a nice way of me saying she’s huge. I can count on one hand the number of babies we’ve met that are smaller than her (and I’m including babies a year older than she is). She’s adorable, cuddly, and weighs as much as a sack of rice. No kidding.

6. She’s a certified techie. Avi isn’t content with being able to unlock the iPad. She deletes apps, memorizes her favorite ones and navigates to them, and watches youtube videos (as long as they’re stored on favorites). Heck, she even helped Flossy’s mom find the app that she (mom) wanted! Did I mention she’s 13 months?

7. She’s friendlier. This comes with a diaper-load of caveats. Avi has several distinct rules that you need to follow if you stand a chance of being in the same room with her without making her cry. I’ll elaborate on another post.

8. She’s not co-sleeping. By “co-sleep” I mean she’s not sleeping on our bed anymore. Of course, Flossy and I had to move our mattress to the baby room floor, and put Avi’s mattress down next to us. Moving to another room as another step entirely.

9. Aping her elders. Hooo boy. This is fun but terrifying. This is the stage where Flossy and I have to watch everything we do lest she pick it up. She already knows how to wave “hello” and clap her hands and stuff, but bad habits can form pretty quickly I hear.

10. Parent-specific behavior. She knows what she can get away with and with whom. When she wants someone to pick her up and walk her around, for example, she goes to me. When she’s hungry, she cries for mama. So what exactly does she ask me to do? Well, there’s a reason this blog is named “Spoiler”.

There are more, of course, but these are the most significant. Looking back, it’s a shock to see how much Avi has grown in just 1 year. It makes me wonder what else she’s got up her sleeve for 2012 and what the next update of this list will contain.